Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wikileaks: CoIntelPro Psyop

Wikileaks: CoIntelPro Psyop

Silver Shield
Don’t Tread On Me
February 2, 2011

I have had it with Wikileaks. I am fully convinced that Wikileaks is a Counter Intelligence Program and a Psychological Operation by either CIA, MI6 or Mossad.

The CIA/MI6/Mossad have trashed their reputation, which has caused their scare tactics to ware off.  They have created a new “credible” source like Wikileaks to dump their same old tired lies through them. Seriously, how difficult would it have been for the CIA to grab some hacker and play good cop, bad cop with him.  They could say, “we got you good and we are going to throw you in jail for the rest of your life. Or you can work with us and we will wipe away all of your charges.”   It works with low level mafia thugs, why not on a global scale where the stakes are that much higher. Even in the Matrix had a scene just like this.

Wikileaks has all of the power to spread the truth on the internet and all of the secrecy that the Elite uses. When this site first came on the scene, I’ll admit that I bought it hook line and sinker.  A group of rich, sophisticated hackers that want to shed light on everything the Elite want to keep secret… “That is awesome!” I knew in the beginning that their intelligence dumps would not be big or yield much of a result.  It is the nature of the beast in this business.  No one will stick their neck out for you, until you have some street credibility.

Wikileaks went from damaging attack helicopter video of murdered civilians, to petty school girl chatter about foreign diplomats to finally, outright propaganda.

I’ve given Wikileaks the benefit of the doubt, even up until a week or two ago in my Beware of the Patriot Pied Pipers article.  In my article, I had listed about 20 things that would really hack at the root of the Elite’s power.  I practically pleaded with them to, Get me something to rock the world out of it’s slumber.” Let’s face it, when Wikileak’s intelligence dumps sound like the same shit that NeoCons used to scare the American people into Iraq and Afghanistan, it is time to judge a tree by it’s fruit.

Look at today’s Drudge Report headline, “Wikileaks: ‘Al-Qaida On Brink Of Using Nuke Bomb.”  This is right out of the same play book of 2003, with all the talk of mushroom clouds and yellow cake.  This is why I think Wikileaks is a front for the same guys that brought you 9 years of senseless wars.  No one really believes the State Department and CIA anymore.  Certainly not after Colin”Slam Dunk” Powell destroyed not only his reputation, but that of America when he went before the UN to make the case for preemptive war.  So, they created Wikileaks to to be a “legitimate” source of information.

Or what about this headline about the spooky 9/11 gang that got away… A DECADE AGO!  Really, what internet blogger/hacker would publish stuff like this?  Wikileak’s sole purpose was to expose secrets and not push propaganda.

There are thousands of sites on the internet showing pretty damning evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.  Yet, here is Wikileaks, the biggest, baddest site in the Freedom Movement, publishing stuff that would give Ruppert Murdoch a boner?  It is time to judge a tree by it’s fruit.

This has created a new Hegelian Dialectic, where the Elite give us two false choices to choose from. Both options are controlled by the Elite in order to benefit themselves.  It is designed to fool us with the ability to choose the lesser of two evils.

Socialism or Fascism, never a Constitutional Republic.
Democrats or Republicans, never a true Independent.
Wall St or D.C., never Main St.

Ahhh freedom! (Where is that sarcasm button…)

So now we have the new Hegelian Dialectic of Wikileaks or CIA/MI6/Mossad, never any real truth to rock the world.

Don’t be fooled by this and judge a tree by it’s fruit.

Another Hegelian Dialectic the Elite control system is America vs. Al Qaida. It is well known that America created and funded Al Qaida, just like we’ve created Saddam.  In this video, here is globalist, head honcho Zbigniew Brezinski, in Pakistan at the very beginning of the Mujahideen.  This radicalization of the Muslims was our attempt to fight the Russians back in the day.  We have armed and trained them to fight.  In fact, Al Qaida literally means “the base,” and guess what, we’ve built that base too!  These fake bad guys are used by the Elites to justify profitable wars for resources and more control at home.

So if you can truly see through these levels of lies the Drudge Report headline should read like this…

I am interested in what happens with the Openleaks. Again, this sounds awesome on the face of it.  It has one key feature that sets it apart from Wikileaks, it is a decentralized approach of leaking info. Wikileaks uses the same sort of centralized secrecy that they supposedly are fighting against.

Openleaks gets rid of the centralized and secretive approach and replace it with a decentralized, open approach as explained in their introductory video.

OpenLeaks 101 from openleaks on Vimeo.

OpenLeaks 101 from openleaks on Vimeo.

One final thought.  I have been warning you about how the Egyptian Revolution and the National Tea Party movement will fail. I say this because they have no idea what they are up against. I wrote that the National Tea Party will fail because of the same power that has infiltrated, corrupted, and destroyed both the Republican and Democratic parties, are now doing the same to the Tea Party.  I wrote about the globalist powers directly behind Tea Party favorites like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in Beware of the Patriot Pied Pipers.

I want to point out another Patriot Pied Piper, Charles Krauthammer. This crippled, NeoCon was on Fox News everyday spouting the NeoCon agenda with Britt Hume. I know because I was glued to Fox news from 2001 to 2005 before I woke up. Charles is very intelligent and thoughtful, but at the end of the day, we need to judge him by his war propaganda and say never again.

Wake Some People Up!

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