Media Demonizes Gaddafi as Pentagon Prepares Attack
February 24, 2011
As we reported yesterday, the United States has specific instructions to intervene militarily in Libya under the cover of providing humanitarian assistance.
Less than 24 hours after our report, the Pentagon has announced it is looking at “all options” in dealing with the Libyan crisis. In short, it is drawing up plans to intervene.
Corporate media rehashes Lockerbie bombing to demonize Gaddafi.
“Our job is to give options from the military side, and that is what we are thinking about now,” a Pentagon official told CNN. “We will provide the president with options should he need them.”
“This department is always doing prudent planning for any number of contingencies,” Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan told reporters. “The president said yesterday that the United States is discussing with allies and partners a full range of options regarding the situation in Libya. But we are not going to discuss what any of those specific options might be.”
Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney dressed up the coming military attack as “a range of options on how to protect American citizens in Libya and compel the Libyan government to stop attacking its own people,” according to CNN.
The U.S. used a similar excuse when it invaded the Caribbean island state of Grenada in 1983. Then president Reagan declared that a Cuban-Soviet invasion of Grenada was imminent and that weapons were being stockpiled that would be used by terrorists.
“What we have said is we’re not going to specify which options are on or off the table. We’re discussing a full range of options,” Carney told reporters, adding that it was likely any action would be in concert with the international community, in other words at the behest of the global elite.
“We’re interested in outcomes,” Carney said. “We’re interested in taking measures that will actually have the desired effect, which is getting the Libyan government to stop” killing its own people.
The United States is highly selective in how it responds to humanitarian crises in Africa. Declassified documents held at the National Security Archive reveal how U.S. policymakers decided to be “bystanders” during the genocide that ravaged Rwanda in 1994. Contrary to later public statements, the U.S. lobbied the UN for a total withdrawal of forces in Rwanda in April 1994, according to the documents.
More than 800,000 people were massacred in the East African nation. Rwanda is a country of few natural resources, and the economy is based mostly on subsistence agriculture by local farmers and therefore is of little interest to international bankers and globalists.
Libya holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa, followed by Nigeria and Algeria. According to Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ), as of January 2010 Libya had total proven oil reserves of 44 billion barrels.
In the lead-up to sending in the Marines, the corporate media has stepped up its demonization of the eccentric dictator Moammar Gaddafi.
Libya’s Justice Minister, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who resigned on Monday, has alleged that Gaddafi personally ordered the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The bombing claimed the lives of 270 people.
Evidence, however, reveals that the CIA planted a tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 bombing. A former Scottish police chief provided lawyers with a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated, the Scotsman reported in 2006.
Libyan Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, purportedly a member of the Libyan intelligence services, was convicted regardless of the judicial impropriety.
One theory about the bombing concerns a small number of U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency operatives, including Major Charles McKee, who uncovered a drug ring run by a CIA unit in Lebanon.
According to the theory, the ring was organized by the Israeli Mossad and involved a CIA asset named Monzer al-Kassar, a Syrian with links to the brother of Syria’s President Assad. Monzer al-Kassar was allegedly involved with Lt-Colonel Oliver North.
“A couple of my old black ops buddies in the Pentagon believe the Pan Am bombers were gunning for McKee’s … team,” M. Gene Wheaton, a retired U.S. military-intelligence officer, told author David Johnston (Lockerbie: The Tragedy of Flight 103).
“The Mossad knew about it and didn’t give proper warning,” Victor Marchetti, former executive assistant to the CIA’s deputy director, and co-author of The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, said of the plot against PanAm 103.
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