Reports Suggest Libyan Airforce Is Using Fighter Jets To Fire At Protesters
Desperate last throws of tyrants or propaganda from overlords hanging them out to dry?Steve Watson
Feb 21, 2011
Reports have begun circulating that suggest the Libyan airforce is attacking protesters with live ammunition from jets.
The reports are unconfirmed, but tie in with previous information suggesting that heavy weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles, are being used against pro-democracy campaigners.
However, it is near impossible to verify any of the reports, given that Libya is much more closed off from the world’s media and non governmental watchdog organisations than Egypt or Tunisia.
“Tanks and helicopter gunships full of foreign mercenaries are fighting gangs of demonstrators. At least one dead man had been hit by an anti-aircraft missile, while other bodies are riddled with heavy machine gun fire.” a medical coordinator in the eastern city of Benghazi told the London Telegraph.
Libyan leader Muammar Kadhafi’s son, Seif al-Islam Kadhafi, appeared on state television to warn that the north African country faces civil war.
“At this moment there are tanks being driven by civilians in Benghazi,” he said, insisting that the uprising was aimed at installing Islamist rule and that it would be ruthlessly crushed.
Kadhafi claimed that the reports of the ruthless government crack down, which seem to be emanating via a combination of Al Jazeera and the BBC, have been over exaggerated.
The International Federation for Human Rights says it believes as many as 400 people have been killed so far in the uprising in Libya, though there are fears that the death toll is much higher, with some reports suggesting around 1000 people are thought to have been killed.
Another report from the AP suggests that some of the jets have landed in the nearby Mediterranean island nation of Malta, indicating that the pilots have defected after refusing to follow orders to fire on their fellow countrymen.
According to the report, the pilots are Libyan air force colonels who are requesting political asylum.
The German press association dpa also reports that two civilian helicopters have landed in Malta. Neither the jets nor the helicopters were given official clearance to leave Libyan airspace.
Malta is geographically the closest European Union member state to Libya, with long-standing economic and political ties.
There are unconfirmed reports that the Libyan leader has fled the country and may be heading to Venezuela.
The reports appear to be emanating out of the UK, with foreign Secretary William Hague having stated “I have seen some information that suggests he is on his way there at the moment.”
As we are continuing to document, a pattern is emerging that the uprisings are being seized and co-opted in their infancy by powerful Western Interests who wish to re-shape the middle east and open it up to their brand of globalism.
Related reading:
Gaddafi’s Israel Threat Linked To Libya Riots?
Libya Conquered in the Dark
‘Bilderberg Hand’: Deadly chaos in Libya, Bahrain as Wave of Rage spreads
Globalists Seek To Hijack Middle East Revolution To Topple Iran
Alex Jones: Globalist Manipulation Of Mass Protests
The Popular Uprising in Egypt. The Military Machine Remains Intact.
The Political Status Quo Prevails.
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