Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mubarak supporters clash with crowds after army tells protesters: ‘Go home’

Mubarak supporters clash with crowds after army tells protesters: ‘Go home’

Griff Witte and Will Englund
Washington Post
February 2, 2011

CAIRO – The Egyptian army called Wednesday for an end to the massive demonstrations that have shaken President Hosni Mubarak’s grip on power, and the atmosphere turned ominous as the anti-government crowds were confronted by angry Mubarak supporters.

The peaceful, carnival-like atmosphere that prevailed during massive demonstrations on Tuesday gave way to a tense, charged standoff between pro-democracy demonstrators and thousands of Mubarak supporters who had been bused in.

The two sides threw rocks and chunks of cement at each other, with several people reported injured. Soldiers posted around the square did not immediately intervene.

Read entire article

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