Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Egypt’s Labor Movement Being Co-opted by Globalists?

Is Egypt’s Labor Movement Being Co-opted by Globalists?

K R Bolton
Global Research
Feb 21, 2011
“Herein lies the secret of why all radical (i.e. poor) parties necessarily become the tools of the money-powers, the Equites, the Bourse. Theoretically their enemy is capital, but practically they attack, not the Bourse, but Tradition on behalf of the Bourse. This is as true today as it was for the Gracchuan age, and in all countries…” Oswald Spengler.
The labor movement Solidarity is given credit for the toppling of a Soviet state that began a process of “color revolutions” which resulted in the epochal dismantling of the Soviet bloc. This was cheered by neocons, liberals and certain types of Marxist alike. Whether it was a positive step in global relations is a matter of one’s subjective viewpoint.

What the collapse of the Eastern bloc did achieve was a multiplicity of states that are undergoing globalisation, privatisation and cultural bastardisation, in a process of reconstructing these states to fit into an international economic order. The Middle East is now undergoing the same tumult of “color revolutions.” In Egypt a labor movement has emerged that looks suspiciously like a globalist creation.

There has been a lot of cheering among Western liberals and others at the overthrow of Islamic despots in Tunisia and Egypt, with an hurrah chorus going up as revolts break out in Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran and Libya. The champions of the “peoples’ revolts” seem to readily swallow in entirety the media descriptions of these revolts as “spontaneous uprisings.” Many also believe in their revolutionary zeal that these revolts are the harbingers for the overthrowing of capitalism. As one might expect, the adherents of Trotskyism are the most enthusiastic of the Left, but historically Trotskyites have not usually been much further than a gentle poke to see them fall into the embrace of US policy.

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