The viral video that has been number one on Google video, Youtube, and across the web since about March 15th which is the official release date, it was released four days early, has been spreading like wildfire. The movie has been hailed by the "left" as well as the "right". Most politically affiliated people say that this movie is the very reason that you cannot blame Obama nor Bush for the economic problems that we have today, and yet it does point fingers. I have heard from democrats and republicans, as well as people with third party and no party affiliation and it universally praised for the amount of documented information that is provided and proved throughout the less than 2 hour movie. It has the most insight of any other documentary into the "bankster bailouts", party position, and general knowledge into our political system and how it is run. If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it. Check it out on TheOldOak.Info or here:
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