U.S. and Britain Prepare to Impose No-fly Over Libya
Kurt Nimmo
March 2, 2011
Democrat Senator John Kerry, a Skull and Bones member, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has attended Bilderberg meetings, are in agreement – the United States and its globalist partners will work to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi and pitch Libya into chaos.
The globalists are working to re-engineer the entire region. Libya is of particular interest because it is the wealthiest nation in Africa and has a lot of easily refined sweet crude. Gaddafi has to go not so much because he is a dictator – it can be argued his role in Libya is at best symbolic (see World cheers as the CIA plunges Libya into chaos) – but because he spouts pan-Arab nationalism repugnant to international banksters.
The bankers are also horrified by Libya’s 2009 decision to implement Islamic banking. Under the system, interest is strictly prohibited, a concept that is anathema to the globalist banking elite.
“The entire region is changing and a strong and strategic American response will be essential,” Clinton told the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Meanwhile, the Senate has unanimously passed a resolution calling for a no-fly zone over Libya. Once again, the government of the United States reveals it is nothing but a tool for the globalists and that it is determined to unleash the dogs of war on officially designated enemies under the putrid cover of insincere humanitarianism.
The Senate Armed Services Committee said all options, including the military option, should be on the table.
“There is a bipartisan consensus building to provide assistance to liberated areas of Libya and to work with our allies to enforce a no-fly zone,” declared Mark Kirk, an Illinois Republican who sponsored the resolution
Meanwhile, the USS Kearsarge and the USS Ponce – loaded with hundreds of marines, helicopters and tons of military equipment – have passed through the Suez Canal and have reached the Mediterranean. The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, previously engaged in pirate-hunting off the coast of Somalia, is now steaming to the mouth of the Suez Canal in the Red Sea.
Britain is reported to have parked a naval destroyer and a frigate off the coast of Libya. “I think there are some very immediate dangers of what Colonel Gaddafi could do to his own people and we should be planning now to think what we can do to try to stop that,” said British PM David Cameron.
Germany and France have enthusiastically voiced their support for a no-fly zone. Italy – the former colonial power in Libya – has agreed the open its bases for possible action against the African country.
Secretry of Defense Gates admits that establishing a no-fly zone over Libya will entail a military attack on the country. Gates also hinted more warships and warplanes will likely be sent in the weeks ahead. He said imposing a no-fly zone for Libya “also requires more airplanes than you can find on a single aircraft carrier, so it is a big operation in a big country.”
“The tough issues about how and whether there would be any intervention to assist those who are opposing Libya is very controversial within Libya and within the Arab community,” Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “So we are working closely with our partners and allies to try to see what we can do and we are engaged in very active consideration of all the different options that are available.”
Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has characterized the US-UK push to invade Libya as an unabashed effort to capture the nation’s oil resources.
“The Middle East and Africa have been viewed by the west as sources of oil and used as pawns in oil wars for decades,” Erdogan said. “Any type of sanctions or intervention that would punish the Libyan people is unacceptable and would cause massive problems.”
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