Experts fear 3rd reactor explosion
UPDATE: As Kurt Nimmo reports, a 3rd reactor has indeed exploded, as experts feared. See here for more details.
Aaron Dykes
March 14, 2011
A fresh report out of Russia Today reveals heightened concerns that a third explosion may be imminent, following the news that the Unit 2 cooling system at Fukushima Dai-Ichi is fully down. Further the fuel rods are known to be partially exposed, making the system more vulnerable, according to Kyoto News:
The plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said a steam vent of the pressure container of the reactor that houses the rods was closed for some reason, raising fears that its core will melt at a faster pace.
Power plant staff are trying to cool down Unit 2 with seawater injections, but worries are high after a second blast occurred earlier Monday. RT points out that owner of the plant is still trying to downplay the radiation levels and disaster scenario and are denying that the disaster would reach Chernobyl levels:
The radiation level is within the security margin, insists the plant’s owner Tokyo Electric Power Co. The company says on Monday the radiation level is within 10.65 microsieverts, far less than 500 microsieverts, when a nuclear power plant operator must file a report to the government, according to Japanese law.Paul Joseph Watson and Steve Watson have already exposed that a cover-up is underway of a potential looming chain reaction. Let us pray that it’s otherwise:
All the nuclear reactors at the earthquake stricken Fukushima nuclear plant are under threat of melting down and exploding in a chain reaction that will signify the world’s worst ever nuclear disaster and send clouds of radioactive particles hurtling towards the United States – that’s the scale of the crisis facing Japan as officials admit for the first time that three nuclear reactors are already in a meltdown.
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