CIA Sends USAID to Japan to Manage Nuclear Disinfo Campaign
Kurt NimmoPrison
Monday, March 14, 2011
A large scale cover-up of the extent and severity of Japan’s multiple nuclear meltdowns is now underway, according to Yoichi Shimatsu, the former editor of the Japan Times Weekly. Mr. Shimatsu appeared on CCTV, China’s state-run television network.
“Following a high-level meeting called by the lame-duck prime minister, Japanese agencies are no longer releasing independent reports without prior approval from the top,” writes Shimatsu. “The censorship is being carried out following the imposition of the Article 15 Emergency Law.”
Shimatsu contends that the Obama White House sent a team to consult the Naoto Kan government. Instead of dispatching experts from the Department of Energy, Nuclear Safety Agency and Health Department, representatives of USAID were sent to micromanage the cover-up.
Since the 1960s, USAID – short for United States Agency for International Development – has maintained a close working relationship with the CIA, and Agency officers often operated abroad under USAID cover, according to author William Blum (Killing hope: U.S. military and CIA interventions since World War II, p. 142, 200, 234). The close relationship between USAID and the CIA is also documented in the long-suppressed “family jewels” documents (see pages 607 to 613).
The CIA and the spooks are naturally concerned about their foothold on the Misawa Air Force Base in the Iwate Prefecture, hard hit by the earthquake.
“Misawa, the hub of US electronic warfare and high-tech espionage in East Asia with its fleet of P-3 Orions and an ECHELON eavesdropping antennae,” Shimatsu notes.
In addition, the establishment is worried about geopolitical aspects of the crisis, most notably in regard to regional “enemies” Pyongyang, Beijing and Moscow. Both China and Russia have both offered aid without strings attached and this is undoubtedly considered a threat by the political establishment in the United States.
The Pentagon also has a vested interest in stage managing information emerging from Japan. In addition to its sprawling military bases in the country since the end of the Second World War, one of the military industrial complex’s major players, Westinghouse, runs a nuclear fuel operation at Tokai in the Ibaraki prefecture.
Westinghouse took control of Japan’s Nuclear Fuel Industries Ltd — the country’s sole producer of fuel for both boiling-water reactors and pressurized-water reactors — in 2009.
Toshiba Westinghouse closed the plant on Friday after the earthquake struck.
The CIA, through USAID, is running a disinfo campaign on Japan’s earthquake crippled nuclear facilities for geopolitical reasons. The Japanese people will ultimately suffer, as will millions of other people who happen to be downwind from the stricken plants.
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