Tokyo Exodus Beginning?
Tyler DurdenZero Hedge
March 15, 2011
Editor’s note: Update – from BBC News: 1049: Jack Edney in Chiyodaku, Tokyo writes: “Almost all of my friends here in the capital have left Tokyo with their families. They are scared about radiation reaching Tokyo and also many of their parents’ companies are taking them either down south, or out of Japan altogether. School has been cancelled and it is all really slow here. I really do hope that I won’t have to leave as well.”
1049: Jack Edney in Chiyodaku, Tokyo writes: “Almost all of my friends here in the capital have left Tokyo with their families. They are scared about radiation reaching Tokyo and also many of their parents’ companies are taking them either down south, or out of Japan altogether. School has been cancelled and it is all really slow here. I really do hope that I won’t have to leave as well.”
If the following letter posted by the BBC Blog is indicative of prevailing popular mood in the Japanese capital now that the government has lost credibility (as Zero Hedge predicted on Saturday), Tokyo may soon be a ghost town.
Mikan in Tokyo writes: “There is a growing sense that the Japanese government is not telling us the true story. On one end, there is the Japanese media that plays down the nuclear drama and focuses on human drama, and at the other, the foreign media is up-playing the nuclear disaster. In my company I heard at least half the essential staff is being sent to Hong Kong, Singapore or even Sydney. I am preparing to leave Tokyo and/or Japan. So are many of my friends. There is a sense of deserting Tokyo as soon as possible.”
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