Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Leaked cable: Japanese lawmaker pointed to cover-up of nuclear accidents

Leaked cable: Japanese lawmaker pointed to cover-up of nuclear accidents

By Stephen C. WebsterRaw Story

As engineers and scientists struggle to control six Japanese nuclear reactors, three of which are in near-meltdown status, the world watches with horror.

But even as efforts continue in earnest across Japan, the search for why this is happening has already begun.

At least one man might have some theories.

His name is Taro Kono, a liberal Democrat and member of Japan's DIET, or parliament. Kono's father was the president of the liberal Democrats. He's been an outspoken critic of the country's nuclear program, and once resigned a high-ranking post in the House of Representatives in protest of the Iraq War.

And according to a US diplomatic cable released Monday night by The Guardian, he allegedly told American diplomats about coverups carried out in Japan's nuclear plants.

Read the rest of the article. 

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